Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Four Cookies

That is the number of cookies I ate last night for no reason. Truth be told, I ate 5 cookies - the first one was on purpose because I really wanted it. It was the last chocolate mocha carmel cookie in the house, and I really wanted it. (Yum!)

The remaining four cookies were a mistake.

Normally we do not have cookies in our house. I'm the one who eats most of them, so I don't buy cookies, except from Girl Scouts. We had a cookout on Sunday and one of our friends brought some cookies - the previous mentioned mochas and some mint chocolate cookies. The leftovers were in clear plastic containers, sitting on my kitchen table looking all delicious. (The photo is of the remaining two mint cookies.)

One cookie in an evening is not a big deal. However, after that first one, I created reasons to walk into the kitchen just to have an excuse to sneak more cookies. Come on - I'm over 40 and a Mom - do I really need to "sneak" cookies? The sad part is, I didn't really like the chocolate mint cookies! (I liked the mochas.)

OK, this is exactly why it is recommended that you keep a bowl of healthy fruit on your kitchen table - not cookies.

In the meantime, I had a healthy breakfast, healthy lunch, and a big spinach, red onion and mandarin orange salad for dinner. I also did my regular Wednesday speed workout with my friends.

I learned my lesson. No permanent damage done. And, the cookies are safely hidden away.

Today's speed workout: 1/4-mile sprints AFAP. We did 6 sprints averaging 3:30 per quarter mile. Our fastest was 3:26, the slowest was 3:32. We then walked at a little more relaxed pace for an additional mile.

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