Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Detroit is Coming Soon!

The Detroit FreePress Marathon (Half) is less than 2 weeks away and I'm getting pretty excited! It actually makes me laugh. If you had told me 10 years ago that I'd be excited about a trip to Detroit, I would not have believed you.

But when I look at the course and think about crossing the bridge into Canada and entering back into the U.S. through the tunnel, I'm excited. Walking along the river on the Canadian side looks pretty cool.

I've been to Detroit only 2 times before this. Once over 12 years ago (unpleasant), and again about 3 years ago. I was VERY impressed with how much cleaner and attractive it was on my second trip. The public art reminded me of Indianapolis (a city I really enjoy). There's also a bus into Canada if we want to visit Windsor after the race! (Can you say casinos?) If we don't want to bother crossing the border again, Detroit has a couple casinos of its own.

Anyway, when the Walking Team members first suggested we go to Detroit, I was a little leery. But the closer we get to the race, the more excited I am! I'm glad we chose it!

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