Thursday, April 26, 2012

Apologies to WordPress

The other day, I finally decided to play with WordPress on my laptop instead of my old desktop computer. The reason I always use my very old desktop computer is because it has more memory, and in my old-school mind, a desktop seems to be safer and more permanent than a laptop.

Not expecting anything different to happen, I was stunned to have nearly everything work!

So, though I still do not think that WordPress is very easy, I am thrilled that on a computer that works well, WordPress works much better!

I'm short on time over the next couple of days, so I'm not able to complete the move. When I do, you will be the first to know!

And I am sorry I was so publicly critical of WordPress. Obviously, the majority of the problem was me.


Adolfo Salgueiro said...

Check out WordPress for Dummies. it is awesome. I had no idea on how to do a blog, let alone a website on a Monday night when a friend told me the solution was WordPress... I purchased the book on Tuesday morning and by Thursday I had not one but two full websites fully working.

Cindi said...

Thanks! I'll look for it.