Monday, August 24, 2009

Best and Worst Parts of the Parkersburg Half Marathon

Best Parts of this Race
- The pre-race pasta dinner and post-race pizza are included in the $35 registration fee. (There was even beer!)
- Each food event also had tons of fruit available.
- The volunteers are plentiful and enthusiastic.
- Ice-cold, wet, towels handed out at the finish line. Wow!
- Hotels in the area are reasonably priced.
- The entire town supports the race.
- There were course monitors verifying those who signed up as walkers actually walked.
- 17 water stops for a 13-mile race.
- Ice handed out at many of the water stops.
- Over 130 walkers!

- They ran out of water at the finish line. There were plenty of other beverages, but no water. From previous experience, I know this was an anomaly.
- The start is not chip timed! Why wear a chip if there is not a mat at the start? I was in the back, it took about 30 secs to reach the start. 30 secs can a big deal at the finish line.
- Hills and heat in August! It's a challenging course. The hill in mile 11 looks different after walking 11 miles than just looking at it from the side.
- The technical shirts are huge -- even the smalls.
- Now that walkers start with the runners, the race could be a little lonely. I liked it better when the walkers started 30-min early because there were runners around me the entire race.

This is the race I PR'd at a couple years ago. It's fun and definitely worth doing more than once!

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