Sunday, September 03, 2006

Talking About Training

It never fails, if I talk about my plans for training, the plans fall through. I had hoped to get three days of walking in earlier this week and was unsuccessful. At the very least, I thought helping my daughter move into her dorm room on the 4th floor with no elevators would make up for some of the mileage. Luckily for us, the school had arranged lots of upper class students to help with move in. I ended up making only 4 trips up the 4 flights!

At least I was able to get my long slow distance miles in today. Because I had not walked enough this week, the miles were VERY slow, too. I felt like such a slug! I tried not to plod too much, but my legs felt very tight making it difficult to keep my left leg straight. Time to get out "The Stick" and roll out my iliotibial band.

I also gave the wool socks a second chance. I don't want to spill the beans too early because the sock article will appear next year sometime, but let's just say I'm not a fan.

Everyone has an occasional week where they just cannot get their miles in. Unfortunately, it happens way too often for me. I hope this is the last.

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