Thursday, December 28, 2006

Fifth Straight Day!

For the fifth straight day I was able to get out to walk. It was just a 25-minute tour of the neighborhood lights, but it felt good!


Anonymous said...

Hi Cindi,
I'm a new blogger, and I just found yours blog. I like your blog, and I will check back regularly. I use to wear my podemeter regularly. Some how I got out of the habit. I need to get it out and reprogram it. Reading your blog may make me get up and get moving!!

thank you,
Sue Wetzel

Cindi said...

Hi Sue,

As you know, walking is one of the easiest and least expensive ways to get exercise. And studies show that wearing a pedometer can be motivating. I know I pay attention on those days when I don't have many steps counted.

Good luck! And thanks for reading.
