Sunday, April 20, 2008

Mailing Issues

I recently learned something new about how magazines mail. Before the pieces are labeled, the list is "approved" by the post office. If a mailing label does not match the address the Post Office has for a subscriber, the address will be marked as invalid and no magazine will be mailed. If you send a change of address to WALK! Magazine, but do not inform the Post Office, you won't receive your magazine.

If you have not received an issue of WALK! Magazine after a move, please be sure to notify the Post Office of your new address.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just found your blog, has been a great read! Just thought it may interest you to know, a while back i managed to find a british labels company who printed me some mailing labels for a really low price. If interested then it may be worth taking a look at their website.