Sunday, May 17, 2009

Playing Softball in Your 70s

Have you ever heard about Seniors Softball? In Columbus, OH they have leagues for players 50+, 60+ and 70+. That's right, there is a softball league for players who are over 70 years old!

On the radio this morning, I heard a team captain interviewed. The average age of the players on his team is 76.3 years old! I thought he said there are a couple 80 year olds, but I may have heard wrong. There are 14 players per team and the sponsors range from Planks (a bar in German Village) to Tim Horton's and Friendship Village. Of course, the last team could be made up of residents of Friendship Village, too.

Going to the web site to check it out, I found photos of the teams. Yes, these men are fit! I'm not shocked that 70 year olds are fit, I know quite a few racewalkers in that age range who are very fast. I'm impressed that these men are still playing softball, which lends itself to injury more than racewalking does.

The teams play in the mornings during the week, which makes sense since I'm sure most of the players are either retired or self-employed.

When I picture myself as I age, I always see myself as a walker, hiker, maybe even a trekker. But I have to admit, it never occurred to me that there might be opportunities to play organized sports at that age.

It makes me feel that being 70 today is much like what 50 used to be. Keep it up!

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